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Awarding of Kennels

Plemenná kniha morčiat SZCH

Application Verification of SKCH Count Results


Bronze Kennel

  • Will be awarded to a kennel that has won the SKCH title a total of 5 times.

Silver Kennel

  • Will be awarded to a kennel that has won the SKCH title a total of 10 times.

Gold Kennel

  • Will be awarded to a kennel that has won the SKCH title a total of 15 times.

Platinum Kennel

  • Will be awarded to a kennel that has won the SKCH title a total of 30 times.

Diamond Kennel

  • Will be awarded to a kennel that has won the SKCH title a total of 50 times.


A breeder is entitled to receive kennel awards if cavies from his own breeding - bearing the name of the kennel in their name (must be registered and preserved in the PK morčiat SZCH records) - win a certain number of Slovak Champion (SKCH) titles. The basic condition for awarding the prizes is that the breeder must have a valid cavy kennel in SZCH and be a member of any cavy organization SZCH. The awards are confirmed exclusively by Cavy Stud Book SZCH. The application for the award must be submitted using the electronic form. The certificate of the award is a diploma in electronic form, issued within 31 calendar days of submitting the application. Awarding of the prizes is free of charge. Titles from other countries, other titles under SZCH (SKCJ, SKIC, SKGC, ...) are not counted towards the total number of titles required for the award. The cavies do not need to be owned by the kennel. The lowest award is the Bronze Kennel, and the highest award is the Diamond Kennel. The validity of the highest award received is unlimited. The list of awarded kennels is published on the PK morčiat SZCH website in a separate list and in the kennel profile. Only the highest award received is listed.