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Plemenná kniha morčiat SZCH

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Basic Data
URL formulára
JAZYK emailová šablóna
Litter information
Both parents must be breedable, with an assigned SZCH registration number. If they do not have it yet, the number will be assigned to them during the processing of this application as an additional Cavy registry action (fee applies).
1st offspring
2nd offspring
3rd offspring
4th offspring
5th offspring
6th offspring
7th offspring
8th offspring
9th offspring
10th offspring and more
Attachments of the application and others
Please attach photocopies of the parents' pedigree certificates only if they have not yet been registered with recognized breeding status in the cavy registry. Please also attach certificates of unreported championship titles from other countries if applicable.
If necessary, please attach the documents required to make the changes.
IBAN: SK73 8330 0000 0022 0246 3125 / BIC(SWIFT): FIOZSKBAXXX
Applicant Information

Your application will be processed within 31 calendar days, provided that all requirements set by the relevant SZCH documents are met.